
We now support a variety of Election Methods


I have made a major update to the web site. When you create a poll, you now have the choice among the following Election Methods:

A few feeds for your newsreader.


I have been asked a couple of times about RSS feeds for this site.
Here are a few you might want to add in your news reader.

This feed is for the site's "latest news" section (i.e. here):
This is the most important feed to follow the major development for the whole site.

This is the feed for the USA Free Association front page, with all the new polls:

And those are for the USA forums:

How you can help

Several people have sent me emails showing their interest in this project.

I am replying here collectively to all those who would like to help.

Things you only need to do once:

  1. Cast your ballot in some featured polls:

Basic proxy capability now online


As previously announced in this section, now has a basic Delegable Proxy functionality (see this link to know more about Delegable Proxy Democracy).

Now, you can do the following:

  • Choose to become a proxy. If you do, other people can delegate their votes to you. Each time you'll vote, you'll do so in their name, too, i.e. your vote will carry more weight.

Bientôt: le vote par procuration

Il a toujours été prévu d'offrir la possibilité de voter par procuration sur Ce n'est pas simple à implémenter et je pensais le faire "quand le site aura beaucoup de membres actifs".

Cependant, comme annoncé dans l'annonce en anglais, j'ai discuté ce sujet avec des activistes américains. J'ai réalisé l'importance du vote par délégation: il permet a des personnes intéressées mais occupées de participer sans que cela leur prenne trop de temps.

Les personnes intéressées pourront:

Proxy voting will be implemented next

It was always planned to implement some kind of proxy voting at
I always thought I would do it "when there will be many active users".

However, after some email exchanges with Abd ul-Rahman (Daniel) Lomax and Jan Kok, I have come to realize that proxy voting is important to allow busy people to still contribute to and express their opinion without having to spend too much time doing it.

Basically, an interested person can

Documentation en Anglais mise en ligne; celle en français arrive bientôt.


Ces dernières semaines, j'ai beaucoup oeuvré afin de mettre en ligne la documentation en anglais sur les modes de scrutin. Celle-ci est maintenant visible ici.

En réponse à quelques emails que j'ai reçu, je vais maintenant commencer un début de documentation en Français. Celle-ci comprendra au début une simple description des modes de scrutin suivants: le Vote par Approbation, le Vote Condorcet, le Vote Pondéré, le Vote Émocratie. Les avantages et inconvénients respectifs de chacun de ces modes sera expliqué.

The 'USA Realm' official opening


Although the USA Realm has been operating for a few months already, I am now happy to announce its official opening.

Two keys sections of the main sites have been recently added, which I wanted to have before the official opening:

  1. the Election methods documentation.
  2. a simple Guided Tour

Election Methods documentation published


I am happy to officially announce the publication of a documentation of Election Methods within this site.

The documentation can be found at

It includes a description of alternative voting methods such as Approval Voting, Condorcet Voting, IRV, etc.

The documentation will be progressively completed.


Ils sont venus pour voir le procéssus démocratique

Je les ai rencontrés au bureau de vote numéro 20, sur le plateau de Brabois.

Il était 18 heures: le bureau de vote venait de fermer. Le dépouillement allait commencer. Il y avait une trentaine de spectateurs, dont un couple venu avec leurs trois jeunes filles, et aussi deux jeunes hommes, des copains qui votaient pour la première fois.

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